Full Description
Employment type: Full-time
Annual salary: ¥2,880,000 ~ ¥6,000,000
Working hours: 09:00 ~ 18:00
Job details: Responsible for responding to client companies and proposing foreign IT staffing solutions. Responding to new/client inquiries and making proposals ・ Various estimates and follow-up work ・ Requesting and confirming job seeker recruitment to group company representatives ・ Proposing foreign IT personnel (overseas HR personnel will be in charge of listing and
first round of interviews) ・ Other matters related to foreign IT personnel business
Application conditions: Japanese, TOEIC 500 or above or Business or higher English
Ideal candidate profile: We have a variety of nationalities among our employees. Our international workplace is ideal for those who want to work in a global environment. More important than experience is the ability to follow the rules within the team and group companies.
To apply: